Smoking Cessation Services

Local Smoking Cessation Service

The locally commissioned stop smoking service has now been de-commissioned.

We are working with Districts and Boroughs to have a new local Smoking Cessation Service through primary care. We hope to share more information and support the launch of this service in 2024.

If you have any questions about this or have outstanding fees to claim via the One Life Suffolk service, please contact and we will try to assist you.


Local NRT Supply Service

A new locally commissioned Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) supply service is now available for all Suffolk pharmacies to sign-up to from December 2023.

This is a fully funded service that will be running for 2 years and requires no significant additional training for pharmacy staff. The service is available to all pharmacies who wish to sign up to deliver the service.

Pharmacies will supply the NRT to clients referred by Feel Good Suffolk stop smoking support services. These referrals will come directly via PharmOutcomes.

The client will present at their chosen pharmacy confirming their name. An appropriate clinical staff member will then be able to locate the client’s details on PharmOutcomes where all the information required by the pharmacy (type of NRT, strength, brand, quantity) will clearly be stated.

An NRT supply will then be made to the patient.


You can sign up to deliver the service in PharmOutcomes.

Pharmacies will be paid £2 per NRT item supplied plus reimbursement of drug cost – £2 + drug cost (at drug tariff price) + VAT.

Payment will be monthly in arrears via PharmOutcomes.


There is no contractual training requirement to offer the NRT Supply Service. All staff training required for the supply of NRT by pharmacy staff will be the responsibility of the pharmacy.


Printed poster and flyers on the Feel Good Suffolk service have already been sent out to local community pharmacies.

If you would like to order additional printed posters or leaflets please email:

Feel Good Suffolk A4 Poster

Feel Good Suffolk A5 Flyer

Contract and Service Specification

You will see in PharmOutcomes a message from Julissa Aitkens (Suffolk Stop Smoking Service) dated 13th Dec 2023 launching the new Local NRT Supply Service, which also given below.

Pharmacy Letter NRT Supply Service 2023-12-01

Local Authority Standard Contract 2023

Service Specification NRT Supply Service

Any queries about the contract, please contact; Head of Health Behaviours Community Infrastructure, Healthy Behaviours, Mental Health, Children and Families Team. Public Health and Communities Directorate:

