100 Hour Pharmacy Regulations

A “100 hour pharmacy” is defined as one which has been included in the Pharmaceutical List under regulation 13(1) (b).

The new, imposed NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) (PLPS) Regulations 2013 came into force on 25th May 2023, and introduces: 

  • a ‘notification’ procedure for 100-hour pharmacies to reduce their total weekly core opening hours to no less than 72 hours, subject to various requirements;
  • a notification procedure for introducing or changing rest breaks, by changing core opening hours (100-hour or former 100-hour pharmacies apply for rest breaks);

CPE have updated the briefing note on the PLPS regulatory changes, and it now includes additional information to clarify certain issues in relation to 100-hour pharmacies. This includes details of how to apply for a change of hours.