Public Health Campaigns

National Campaigns Each year pharmacies are required to participate in up to six mandatory campaigns at the request of NHS England. This involves the display and distribution of leaflets provided by NHS England. In addition, pharmacies are required to undertake prescription-linked interventions on major areas of public health concern, such as encouraging smoking cessation. CPE guidance on this is given HERE

Awareness Days Calendar

Visit for their Awareness Events Planner which you can also download and print off.

Suffolk Local Campaigns

Please note – the NHS England Public Health campaigns supersede the campaigns set by Suffolk’s Public Health team. This means the national campaigns are contractual and therefore must be promoted by community pharmacies. The local campaigns are no longer contractual and therefore the contractor can choose to promote these in addition to the national campaigns.

You will receive communication throughout the year to inform you of any campaigns coming up, providing you with further opportunities to opt in.

For further information or queries relating to the local public health campaigns, including campaign materials, please contact us on