SNEE Antimicrobial guidelines for Primary care and A+E

The SNEE Primary Care and A+E Antibiotic Formulary has been updated recently to incorporate national guidance alongside expertise provided by local microbiologists.

The sections updated include MHRA (with alerts on macrolides and update on the trimethoprim section to include co-trimoxazole), co-trimoxazole in acute exacerbation of COPD, clostridium difficile, bites and acne. There are also news sections on acute diverticulitis, impetigo, eczema, leg ulcer, diabetic foot, insect bite, prophylaxis of cellulitis and erysipelas, and mastitis in non-lactating women. The quick reference guidance has also been updated in line with the formulary and can be used by clinicians as required.

If you have any printed copies of the previous version of the formulary please discard them and replace them with the updated documents. You can access the new formulary here.

If you have any questions or feedback please email