Governance Policies

Suffolk Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPC) is the body recognised under NHS legislation with a duty to represent the NHS pharmacy contractors in Suffolk. The LPC is funded by the contractors it represents and is accountable to those contractors for the work that it does on their behalf and for the effective and economical use of LPC funds. High standards of corporate and personal conduct are a requirement for the LPC and its members and all aspects of the LPC’s operations must be open to critical scrutiny.

To achieve these standards, rules and procedures need to be in place and that is what good governance is about: making sure the LPC is acting transparently, honestly and not in the self-interest of its members. This is important if the LPC is to have credibility with others: much of Suffolk LPCs external dealings are with Primary Care Organisations and Local Authorities which themselves have stringent requirements for good governance and will expect sound governance arrangements in the organisations they work with.

The governance policies for the LPC can be found below:

Suffolk-LPC-Procedure-for-Emergency-Action-May 2022

Suffolk-LPC-Policy-on-Devolved-Funding May 2022

Suffolk LPC Communications Policy May 2022 Final


Suffolk-LPC-Governance-Statement-May 2022 Final